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Fort Worth Drywall


Although drywall is a relatively durable material, it is not unbreakable. Water, impact, or even regular wear and tear can do it damage. 

See our work
A ceiling with a hole in it and a light hanging from it
A ladder is sitting in a hole in the ceiling
Four pictures of a ceiling with a hole in it

How We Work With You.


Face-to-face consultation.


Detailed plan with estimates.


Scheduling and kick off.


Full post-renovation inspection.


Completion and final payment.

Patch Work Services


The worst kind of drywall damage is holes. Accidents, plumbing leaks, or even regular wear and tear may be to blame. They might be extremely little, like those produced by nails, or extremely enormous, like those produced by doorknobs. 

Water Damage Drywall Repair

One of the most frequent types of drywall damage can be brought on by leaks, flooding, or even just high humidity. Repairing water damage as soon as it occurs is crucial. If not, the damage will only worsen and might eventually cause mold to grow. 

Impact Damage

Another typical sort of damage to drywall is impact damage. Dropped objects, slammed doors, or even ordinary wear and tear can be the reason. Impact damage can range from the really modest, like a small dent, to the more serious, like a big hole. 

Drywall Cracks

Another frequent drywall problem is cracks. They can result from factors like shifting foundations, alterations in climate, or even just everyday wear and tear. Cracks can range from being extremely little, like hairline cracks, to being more serious, like huge cracks. For this kind of ugly damage, joint compound and drywall tape or masking tape are required. 

Other Damages

Other sorts of damage that can happen to drywall include scratches, dents, and gouges. Even while these kinds of damage are typically not as severe as the other kinds, they can still be ugly and need to be fixed. The damage will worsen the longer you wait. You might be able to repair minor damage, such a small dent or crack, on your own. You will need to employ experts if the damage is more severe, such as a major hole or water damage.

Two pictures of a living room before and after being painted
A before and after photo of a kitchen ceiling being remodeled.
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